Request for Price Service

Due to product availability, variations in delivery time, sales conditions and discounts constantly and frequently applied to certain category of products, Prices are not readily made available at the store. Instead we include a “Request for Price” form on specific products for customers to be able to submit a message and request a call back at a convenient time.

Large volume sales items enjoy special discounts frequently from suppliers and manufacturers, which are transferred to our cherished customers to motivate them and maximize their investments on our products. This also allows our sales department to work with our clients directly and build solid, long-lasting business relationships.

Complete Request for Price Form by clicking on the button either at the store and or product page. Customers can select the time when they want to receive a call back, leave a message and contact information (phone, email, address)

Deus Sales Team receives notifications instantly when a new "Request for Price" request is submitted on the store or by email and will respond immediately or at the specified time by the customer.